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VK7 Amateur Radio News 16Mar25

Text edition: 


FOR SUNDAY 16th March 2025


Welcome to the John Moyle Memorial Field Day Weekend edition of the VK7 Amateur Radio News.

This was first broadcast on Sunday, March 16th, 2025 and we bring you the latest from the world of amateur radio in VK7.

This week, joining you from the Tasmanian Amateur Radio News desk is Justin, VK7TW.

Tune in as we share updates and insights across VK7, broadcast  through an array of platforms and frequencies:

On DMR Talk Group 5 and D-Star Reflector 91C, managed by Gavin, VK7HGO.

On Medium and high frequency rebroadcasts thanks to our dedicated operators:

1.862 MHz by Graham, VK7GS

3.670 MHz by Dale, VK7DG

7.140 MHz by Ross, VK7ALH

14.130 MHz by Garry, VK7JGD

28.525 MHz by Tony, VK7VKT and 

UHF CB Channel 24 in the Hobart area, hosted by Mark, VK7FMAC

If you missed todayâ€Ös broadcast then you can catch the replay on Tuesday night at 8:00pm on repeaters VK7RAA in Northern VK7 and VK7RHT and UHFCB24 in Southern VK7.

Thank you for tuning in and enjoy the broadcast!

WIA News

ACMA Class Licence Performance Survey - One Year On

Further to the WIA Broadcast news story we offer the following encouragement to all amateur to let the Wireless Institute of Australiaâ€Ös know your experience with the ACMAâ€Ös new Class Licence introduction.

The WIA has created a short 10-minute survey for all Australian radio amateurs and encourage everyone to participate. This is an opportunity to share your experience with the transition and the new class licence arrangements. The link is available on email edition of the broadcast.

The survey also covers proof of a valid amateur radio licence scenarios and the revised callsign allocation process for the Australian External and Antarctic Territories.

Please note all information shared with the WIA will be treated with the strictest confidence. 

Please share this survey with your amateur radio friends, including those who are not WIA membersâ€öit is open to all Australian amateur radio operators.

The survey closes 23:59 on the 13th April 2025.

73, WIA

Contest News
John Moyle Memorial Field Day

The Field Day is this weekend of the 15th-16th March 2025 and run from UTC 0100 on the Saturday to 0059 on the Sunday.

The aim of the contest is to encourage and provide familiarization with portable and field operation,and provide training for emergency situations. The rules are therefore specifically designed and focused to encourage field operations.

For further details please take a look at the WIA Contest page and there is a link on the email edition of the broadcast.

Please note there is some caution required about using N1MM to log as it apparently does not collect all the information required.

Contest News
VHF/UHF Field Day Results Released - Congrats VK7

The 2023 and 2024 preliminary results have finally been released and the big winner is VK7 - Congratulations! This week we will cover the 2023 results and next week we cover the 2024 results.

In 2023 Summer Field Day the following VK7â€Ös shined:

In the Portable Single Operator 24 Hours - All bands section - Murray VK7ZMS was first. 

In the Portable Single Operator 8 Hours - All bands section - Richard VK7ZBX was first and Andrew VK7DW was third, Peter VK7PD was fourth and Justin VK7TW was eighth.

In the Portable Single Operator 8 Hours - four bands section - Lee VK7LEE was sixth and Tony VK7XTC was seventh.

In the Portable Multi-operator 8 Hours section - Four bands - Garry VK7JGD and Anthony VK7AG operating VK7WCN was first.

In the Home Single Operator 24 Hours Four Bands section included Alan VK7AN.

In the Home Single Operator 8 Hours All Bands section included Peter VK7PD, Steve VK7OO, Linda VK7QP, Alan VK7KAJ and  Martin VK7GN.

In the Home Single Operator 8 Hours Four Bands section included Reg VK7KK, Eric VK7EV Keith VK7KW.

In the Home Single Operator Single Band 6m - Garry VK7JGD was first and Hayden VK7HH was third.

In the Home Single Operator Single Band 23cm - Phil VK7ID was first and Scott VK7HSE was second.

In 2023 Winter Field Day the following VK7â€Ös shined:

In the Portable Single Operator 8 Hours - four bands section - Warren VK7WN was fifth.

In the Home Single Operator 24 Hours Four Bands section included Andrew VK7DW, Peter VK7PD and Lewis VK7IT.

In the Home Single Operator 8 Hours Four Bands section included Richard VK7ZBX, Steve VK7OO, VK7CMS (VK7JGD), Anthony VK7ZTA, Tony VK7LTD, Scott VK7HSE and Lance VK7ZA.

In the Rover - 8 Hours section - Phil VK7ID was first.

In 2023 Spring Field Day the following VK7â€Ös shined:

In the Portable Single Operator 24 Hours - Four bands section - Peter VK7KPC was first. 

In the Portable Single Operator 8 Hours - All bands section - Andrew VK7DW was first, Richard VK7ZBX was third.

In the Home Single Operator 24 Hours Four Bands section included Peter VK7PD, Anthony VK7ZTA and Matt VK7MAT.

In the Home Single Operator 8 Hours All Bands section included Linda VK7QP, Andrew VK7DW, Justin VK7TW, Andrew VK7XR and Keith VK7KW.

In the Home Single Operator 8 Hours Four Bands Digital section was Peter VK7PD who was first.

Congratulations to all VK7â€Ös who participated in the 2023 Field Days. We will be featuring the 2024 participants next week.

Weekly Wrap Up

On Friday, Tony, VK7LTD, activated Knopwood Hill Nature Recreation Area, situated between Mornington and Howrah. The following Saturday, Tony, VK7LTD, and Angela, VK7AMP, activated Ralphs Bay Conservation Area, located in Lauderdale. This conservation area is a haven for both resident and migratory shorebirds. It's fantastic to see Angela, VK7AMP, and Tony, VK7LTD, sharing their passion for ham radio by activating parks together.

Phil, VK7ID, travelled to Tasman Island by helicopter, activating both the Tasman Island Summit and Tasman National Park. Located in the southeast of Tasmania, Tasman Island is part of Tasman National Park and lies just below Cape Pillar. This marked the very first activation of the Tasman Island Summit. What an incredible way to reach the island and return!

Matt, VK7MAT, took full advantage of the long weekend by activating the St Patricks Head SOTA summit, along with four park references: St Patricks Head State Reserve, Notley Gorge State Reserve, Virginstow Conservation Area, and Franklin Rivulet Conservation Area.

Rodney, VK7HAM, Al, VK7AN, Peter, VK7ZPE, and Shane, VK7SW, made their way to the North Scottsdale Regional Reserve, located on the banks of the Forester River. As soon as the team had set up their End Fed antenna, the rain began, they all piled into the Pajero, where they remained for the activation, fortunately remaining dry. There were some impressive static crashes during the activation, given all the storm activity in VK7 throughout the day.

Lance, VK7TO, got the sand between his toes while activating the BOTA reference at Legacy Beach using CW. Located in Coningham, southern VK7, this hidden gem is a localâ€Ös secret, the area offering peaceful beaches and being just a stone's throw from the D'Entrecasteaux Channel.

The end of the month is quickly approaching, so don't forget to upload your logs for a chance to receive a new Quansheng UV-K5, donated by Matt, VK7MAT. The UV-K5 will go to the operator who completes the most activations and uploads their logs between February 9, 2025, and March 31, 2025.

With daylight savings ending next month, now is the perfect opportunity to take advantage of the longer daylight hoursâ€ögrab your gear, go portable, and activate a summit, park, or island!

73, Matt, VK7MAT

Statewide SSTV Nights

Another busy net night that saw the following participants, VK7s – ZCF, KT, TW and ZGK sending forty photos. 

The north south link was not operational so it wasnâ€Öt state wide net but two separate local nets. 

 The main themes were:

    Motor vehicles – classics cars, sports cars, 4 x4 vehicle racing and drag racing

    The REAST visit to the ABC complex with tours of a Radio Studio, TV studio news and weather sets, TV master control and the ABC history wall

    Other highlights were:

    A Dr Who Dalek 

    Borat and mimics in Mankini swim wear

    No clothes for the Dark MoFo winter Solstice swim

    The “Ladybird Book” on learning about car garages 

    The painful way to learn to mind your own business and other useful tips about getting rid of maggots

    Dog Rock at Albany in West Australia

    Views of Highway 1 from Eucla in West Australia

    And 73 from the Blue Lake at Mt Gambier

For this week the photos for the Southern Net can be seen on Ken VK7KRJâ€Ös and Steve VK7OOâ€Ös SSTV websites. Those from the Northern net can be seen on NTARCâ€Ös website under blogs. 

Note - Kenâ€Ös and Steveâ€Ös fully automatic 24/7 monitoring sites allow anyone who has sent an SSTV picture the ability to check them on their pages almost immediately, any time, both South and North Tasmania.

Please remember to use your own photos or those that are copyright free.

SSTV VK7OO Tasmania Australia ( 

VK7KRJ's 2m SSTV scrolling web gallery 

Blog 3 â€ö NTARC Inc. 

73 from Andreâ€Ö VK7ZAB

VK7 Broadcast
Digital Help Needed

Our Digital broadcast team of Clayton VK7ZCR, Gavin VK7HGO, Phil VK3PG and Ross VK7WP are urgently looking for some more people to help put the DMR Talk Group 5 and DSTAR Reflector 91C broadcasts to air each week.

If you listen to the Digital broadcasts on TG5 or 91C then it is a small step to help out and put the broadcasts to air once a month and then take callbacks after the broadcast and report numbers back to VK7WI.

If you are interested then please have a chat with Clayton VK7ZCR on email at: clayton7008(at)

73, Digital Broadcast Team

Sewing Circle Net

Only a week away until the revival of this social outing after some years of recess.

Where: Ross Caravan Park by the riverâ€Ös edge.

Date: Sunday 23rd March 2025

Time: 11.00am

There will be the Meet The Voice Swap and Sell and a Special Gourmet BBQ sponsored by two Northern Hams.

Bring along your surplus ham gear for swap or sell.

There will be trophy presentations for the sewing circleâ€Ös “most loquacious” ham and ham of the year.

All Hams welcome.

73, Al, VK7AN

Sewing Circle Net

Non Commercial For Sales / Wanted

Gaven VK7HGO is looking for the an Icom CS-T90A software disc.

His copy no longer works.

Your radios have been sold but you may still the disc.

If you can help email Gavin at:

73, Gavin, VK7HGO



Due to very little traffic in recent months on the FM 70CM. Voice Repeater VK7RDR located on the Dazzler Range, it was decided to add SSTV Analog as an additional mode to this repeater.

In addition, software for connecting to an International SSTV Gateway has also been implemented on VK7RDR.

At this time, the Gateway has 6 active SSTV Repeater Stations DB0BEN, DB0PTB, DB0UHF, HB9ZF, PI1DFT and now VK7RDR.

It is activated daily for a 12 hour trial period from approx. 1000 hrs - 2200 hrs and transmits a beacon image at 5 mins after the hour, showing current active gateways.

Users please note that if they wish their image to be transmitted to the gateway, a 1750 FSKID Tone for approx. 2 Secs at the start of the transmission is required, transmissions without the 1750 tone will only be relayed locally on VK7RDR.

CW ID of your call sign should also be activated to ensure all info is included in the date & time stamp.

All images are available for viewing on the following Web (the actual Links (look for VK7RDR)

International gateway/repeater stations [ (look for 6 active gateway stations)

Regular Local stations using the repeater & gateway are VK7KT, VK7MD and VK7AX.

Remote stations can connect via Allstar Node 28348 and at this time include VK3EME and VK3NDH.

ZL4OI regularly connects via Allstar 28348 using IaxRpt Web Transceive mode to access.

This facility is open for all amateurs and we encourage its use in an attempt to activate an otherwise unused repeater which was destined for closure.


73 Tony VK7AX


The Summits On The Air/World Wide Flora and Fauna parks group meets twice weekly – Mondays and Fridays 10.30AM till 12.00 at the Glebe Gardens Cafe, Henry Street, Launceston. 

For more information contact Al on 0417 354 410.

73, Al, VK7AN

Northern Tasmanian Amateur Radio Club Incorporated 

Itâ€Ös amazing what drops into your YouTube “You might like” feed sometimes, this week there was a video that was titled “How to make a simple Morse Code transmitter for 80 Metres”, nothing unusual or surprising with that you might say….. However looking more closely at the picture of the populated printed circuit board and its construction method using diagonal hacksaw cuts to make solder islands, looked very familiar!  

It was in-fact a project from a few years ago that Nic VK7WW designed and constructed to help celebrate 100 years or a century of amateur radio in Tasmania. An 80 Metre, crystal locked, QRP, CW 1 Watt transmitter project called the “Cent”.

The YouTube video was made by Jordan VK3ACU, who is situated in Victoria and covers his building of the project and its subsequent testing. Jordan presented a very clean compact version of the build and then put it through its paces. With his test set up it was easily heard using a remote SDR in Perth Western Australia, this would have been a distance of about 3000 Kilo Metres. He followed up showing a live CW contact approximately 700 Kilo Metres away in New South Wales.     

This is only a short video, it is well produced and narrated and well worth the eight minutes to watch.

The link is included in the text version of this broadcast.

At morning tea last week it was good to see a couple of project updates of works in progress.

Firstly Trevor VK7TB, had his new Voltage Controlled Oscillator or VCO that he is designing and constructing. He had just finished machining a flywheel to attach to the drive shaft of a 1930s Bendix worm drive gearbox. The reduction gearbox provides very fine shaft rotation control on a variable capacitor. The precision machining of the flywheel was certainly obvious, with its smooth fit onto the gearbox drive shaft even without the grub screw being tightened. The overall tactile feedback was incredible, both from the point of just enough momentum from the fly wheel to the zero back lash in the gear assembly, all giving a very positive control effect. The feel was certainly reminiscent of “Top End” test instruments that I have been lucky enough to use over the years. 

I think we might have to get Trevor in on a Club Technical Night for a bit more of an in-depth run down on this VCOs “from the ground up construction”.   

The other work in progress came from Stuart VK7FEAT, who is collaborating with a friend to design and 3D print some “Radomes” or environmental shields to go over some omnidirectional antennas in the 1 Gig region. The first prototype looks great and hopefully it will fit their requirements otherwise we may see a few more variations.

I am sure we will get progress reports from both Trevor and Stuart.

As always pictures will be available on the NTARC Web site under “Blogs” for this broadcast. NTARC Blogs


TestNet and TechNet session - Every Wednesday, TestNet/CW course on 3.580MHz from 7 pm, then a TechNet on 3.567MHz from 7.30 pm till 8.30 pm. Your host for the evening is Nic VK7WW. 

Club Room Technical night session - The next session will be on Wednesday the 19th March, at the usual time of 6.30 pm at the Club Room Archer Street, Rocherlea.

Coffee Morning - held every Friday in the NTARC Club rooms. Time is from 10 am to noon and we look forward to seeing you all there. So why not pop in check the QSL cards and join us for a cuppa, there is endless tea and coffee along with biscuits available for a donation.

Finally - A reminder to all members that if you have any items of news you would like added to our weekly roundup, no matter how trivial, then please email them to the Secretary at the following address news(at) all items to be received no later than 5 pm on the Friday prior to the Broadcast.

Thatâ€Ös all folks, 

73 from Stefan, VK7ZSB, Secretary NTARC Inc.
Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania

REAST March Event

A huge thank you to Damien VK7SD and Allen VK7KAN for their fantastic, interactive tour of the ABC studio and technical areas on Wednesday, 12 March 2025.

A group of 27 attendees explored the impressive ABC facilities, starting with the Radio Studios, where we split into two groups to learn about the high-tech digital studios and the vital roles of presenters and producers. We even had the pleasure of hearing from the Producer of the Night Radio programming, who shared insights into his role.

Next, we visited the Music Producing Suite, where musicians can be recorded or perform live for broadcast. From there, we stepped into the TV Interviewing Suite, used for live crosses with journalists, special guests, and dignitaries.

Our journey continued into the Newsroom, the bustling hub where journalists, graphic specialists, social media teams, and news gatherers work throughout the day. We then moved into the TV News Studio control room, where Damien and Allen walked us through the evening news production, explaining how content integration, queueing, graphics, and sound are all managed.

In the main TV and Weather Presenting Studio, Damien demonstrated the huge LED weather screen, along with the cameras, lighting, and autocue systems.

We then stepped outside to the garage, where the impressive satellite Outside Broadcast (OB) truck is housed, before heading into the Radio and TV Master Control Room and Technical Services.

Damien and Allen also shared insights into the many projects theyâ€Öre involved in, including the development of replacement electronics used throughout the ABC network across Australia.

Once again, a massive thank you to Damien and Allen for their time and expertise in showcasing the incredible ABC facilities in Hobart.

73, Justin VK7TW

Wednesday Experimenterâ€Ös Nights

The next two Experimenterâ€Ös Nights will be our first ADX QRP Transceiver build nights at the clubrooms - if you have ordered an ADX and Barb-a-watt transceiver then please try and come along with the following items:

    Soldering Iron (there will be a spares available)


    Flush or Side cutters

    Long nose pliers

    For those with eyesight that is challenging - some magnifiers!

    A ruler to measure the inductor wire lengths

We will have Richard VK2ARH from the Manly-Warringah club on a zoom call from VK2 who will be taking us through the kits and the preparatory work that we will need to do before starting the kit and traps for young players.

People get up to the clubrooms around 6pm and many bring their dinner for a 7:30pm start.

PLEASE NOTE that there will not be streamed DATV Nights on the  next two Wednesday nights of March as we are upgrading the studio to High Definition.

73, Justin, VK7TW

April Presentation Night

Our April presentation night is on the topical subject of Fire Detection Technology + much more by the guys from Indicium Technology.

There are some very high-tech solutions that are being deployed in the field to detect fire in our wilderness. These high resolution steerable cameras are scanning and interpreting visually using AI technology.

There are also an array of sensors and indicators that use technology like LORAWan and Meshtastic to feed data into networks and provide early warning of bushfire.

Thanks to Rob Vernon and his team for agreeing to come along and give us a presentation on this technology.

When: April 2nd from 7:30pm in the Queens Domain Clubrooms and streamed.

See you there

73, REAST Committee

April Forum Night - 3D Printers and Printing

Our April Forum night will focus on 3D Printer and 3D printing with an amateur radio focus.

We are interested in:

    Type of printer and filament you use - the good/bad/ugly

    The software you mainly used for 3D design and printing

    Main sources of 3D print files for Amateur Radio and Electronics

    Hints and tips on 3D printing

We look forward to hearing all about your adventures in 3D printing and amateur radio.

This happens Wednesday 9th April, 2025 from 7:30pm in the Queens Domain  clubrooms and streaming.

See you there

73, REAST Committee

REAST Training and Assessment Update

Are you looking to join the world of amateur radio or upgrade your license? REAST has you covered with regular Training and Assessment Days for all license levels!

Key Dates:

    Standard, Advanced, and Regulations Assessments: Held on alternate months, starting 29th March 2025.

    Foundation Training and Assessment Days: Held every two months with the next one on 12th April 2025.

Stay updated with the full schedule on the REAST Events Page.

Do you need to secure your spot or ask a question - email: reast.assessor(at) and your inquiry will go directly to the Learning Organiser, who be in contact.

We have learning resources available including our Foundation Licence Training Videos that are a must-watch for beginners. Find them on the REAST YouTube Training and Assessment Playlist.

Practice Makes Perfect so, prepare with the WIA Foundation Trial Exams and the link can be found on the email edition of the broadcast.

Whether you're starting your journey or leveling up, REAST is here to guide you every step of the way.

73, Reg, VK7KK


Regular VK7 gatherings and events over the coming months:
Regular gatherings:

Sewing Circle Net – Daily on 3.640MHz commences at 6:30pm AEST.

Statewide SSTV Net - held every Thursday night via the North/South Link on VK7RAF/VK7RJG from 7:30pm. In the North and North West - VK7RJG on 438.55 -7MHz and in the South - VK7RAF (146.650 -600kHz) CTCSS tone 141.3Hz to link RAF North-South.

State-wide – MICROWAVE QSO Party – following the Sunday broadcast call-back on 1296.15 MHz FM. One group in the greater Hobart area and another in the greater Launceston area. 

Then North-south digital contacts on 1296.2MHz using Q65-60B.

Stations in the Launceston area transmitting on the odd minute. Southern stations on the even minute.

REAST - WAGs - Wednesday Afternoon Group from 12 noon in the REAST Clubrooms Queenâ€Ös Domain.

REAST - WEGs - Wednesday Experimenterâ€Ös Group on the third, fourth & fifth Wednesday nights of the month from around 6pm in the REAST Clubrooms Queenâ€Ös Domain and streamed.

REAST - 6m AM Net on 53.1MHz Everyday from 4:30pm 

SOTA/WWFF Group – Meeting Mondays and Fridays 10.30-12.00 midday at Glebe Gardens Cafe, Henry St, Launceston.

TestNet and TechNet session - Every Wednesday, TestNet/CW course on 3.580MHz from 7 pm, then a TechNet on 3.567MHz from 7.30 pm till 8.30 pm. Your host for the evening is Nic VK7WW. 

Club Room Technical night session - The next session will be this Wednesday the 19th March, at the usual time of 6.30 pm at the Club Room Archer Street, Rocherlea.

NTARC Coffee Mornings are held every Friday in the NTARC Club rooms. Time is from 10am to noon in the Rocherlea Clubrooms.

NW VK7 – Wednesday from 8:00pm local – NW Tassie Amateur Repeater Group Net on 70cm VK7RMD

NW VK7 - Thursday commencing at 8:30pm local - N.W. Tassie 2m DX Net 144.190 USB

VK - March 15-16 - John Moyle Memorial Field Day

VK7 - March 23rd - Meet the Voice BBQ - Ross Caravan Park from 11.00am

REAST - April 2nd - Fire Detection Technology + more - Queens Domain Clubrooms from 7:30pm and streamed

REAST - April 9th - April Forum Night - 3D Printers and Printing - Queens Domain Clubrooms from 7:30pm and streamed


A reminder to those people rostered for next weekâ€Ös broadcast:

Newsreader: VK7FRN

Repeaters: REAST, NTARC and in the NW thanks to NWTARC, WCRG, NWCRRA, VK7AX, VK7JH and VK7DC

160m: VK7GS

80m: VK7JGD

40m: VK7DG

20m: Any Takers

10m: VK7ALH


DMR: Talk Group 5 and D-Star: Reflector 91C VK7ZCR


A huge thank you to all people and organisations that assisted with this broadcast.


That wraps up this week's edition of the VK7 Amateur Radio News. We hope you found it informative and enjoyable?

You've been listening to VK7WI, or if youâ€Öve just tuned in, you've just missed our live broadcast. But donâ€Öt worry if itâ€Ös not Tuesday night then you can catch the rebroadcast on Tuesday night at 8:00pm on repeaters VK7RAA in Northern VK7 and VK7RHT and UHFCB24 in the South.

We encourage you to share your news, stories, and updates with us. Email your contributions to vk7arnews(at) 

For more information about the broadcast and to join the discussion, visit our VK7 Amateur Radio News Groups.IO Group.

Remember, the deadline for submissions is 21:00 on the Friday before the Sunday broadcast.

Stay tuned for callbacks on the frequency youâ€Öre currently listening to. Relay stations will use their own callsigns during this time.

On behalf of the entire VK7 Amateur Radio News Team, this is Justin, VK7TW wishing you 73, and good DX to all.


           (Posted to the packet network courtesy Tony VK7AX)

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