F3KT > PACTOR 16.02.18 16:40l 32 Lines 643 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 5F6558F3KT
Read: GAST
Subj: F3KT Pactor Antenna Out of Use
Sent: 180213/1549Z @:F3KT.FPDL.FRA.EU #:7667 [Pont Saint Martin] LFBB7.7-beta3
Dears friends, Pactor enthousiastes,
This is a short mail to inform you that my HF beam Antenna has some trouble
from several weeks ago.
It was foolish, moving in the wind like a weather cock.
I put down my 24 meters mast last week and I just finished toggling it
horizontal today. Weather conditions are not so good for that.
It appears there are cables injuries and I must build a piece of work to avoid
this in future.
So F3KT's Pactor transmissions are over for several days.
I apologize for this and I hope to contact you again in a near future..
73 Michel F3KT
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